The Fibonacci Fire Project (FFP) is a U.S. based wildland fire consulting business specializing in robotics, manufacturing, water delivery and suppression systems.

Current Projects

Our team is focused on delivering novel solutions to the wildfire problem that account for a full spectrum of variable conditions. Our focus is increasing safety and delivering alternatives to human-engaged suppression activities. This does not apply to all contexts, and we root ourselves not only in our on-the-ground experience, but in the very fact that not all fires are the same, and not all fires need the same resources. Our plan takes a broad range of variables into consideration, including live fuel moisture data, fuels composition mapping, current weather data/trends, lightning activity level, historic fire scar data and even values at risk, such as mapped cultural resources locations, historic sites, or even threatened and endangered species considerations.

Our goal is to save a life, to save a home and protect values at risk through our team effort in the XPRIZE. Our vision is to develop a multi-use tool that can be utilized across the full spectrum of wildland fire activities and not limited to suppression, alone.

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